Thursday, November 12, 2009

My thoughts on the Stimulus

I don't see it as necessarily a failure as a lot of us on the left do. I see it just as delaying the inevitable. BU$Hitler Crime Family did SO much goddamn damage to this country's economy (along with everything else they touched) it's not looking very promising that ANYBODY will be able to fix it. No one has the BALLS to do the ONE thing that would work, and that's REPEAL THE FUCKING REAGAN TAX CUTS ON THE RICH! Better yet, bring back the Eisenhower (yes, he was a Republican! Believe it...or not!) tax rate on the rich, which goes like this: whatever you make AFTER $3.2 million is taxed at 91%! It just goes to show how TRULY corrupt DC is, most all bought & paid for by the rich and corporations. But most Americans kick back with their 6 pack, bottle of brain-numbing pills and American Fucking Idol on TV instead of paying a modicum of attention to how violently they're being FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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