Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fuck the USA gov't & Israel's gov't

Why the FUCK are these two countries so got a boner for blowing Iran off the fucking map?!
The world SO does NOT need this shit.
I am SICK to FUCKING DEATH of the Xian, Jewish and Muslim religions!!!!!!!!!!!! You people are INFUCKINGSANE and have all but DESTROYED this planet since most of you CANNOT keep your beLIEfs to yourselves, you INSIST on shoving your fairy-tails down the rest of our throats.
Well you know what bitches, you attack Iran, and us, the REAL MAJORITY of Americans, who are NOT of your stupid goddamn retarded religious, WE WILL RISE UP, AND THERE IS NOT A GODDAMN FUCKING THING YOU CAN DO TO STOP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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