Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This is what I wrote & was read on the air:

@MakeItPlain Best Obama speech EVER! ANYONE who doesn't think so...Wah! What did they want?! Obama to decapitate Tony Hayward during it?!

And FUCK YOU if ya don't think so! People seriously wanted SPECIFICS...in a fucking 18 MINUTE SPEECH!?!?!?! Are you on meth laced with heroin and PCP?!?!?! And for that one DILDO caller who said "BUT OIL AM BE USED TO MAKE RUBBER, VINYL, PLASTIC" and on and on, well HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF HEMP!?!?! HEMP OIL!!! Look into it!!!
Ponder if you will how FUCKED we would be if Grumpy McHooover & Caribou Barbie were running the show!!!
Puked out of your mind now enough?! Good! Now that we're on the same page, let's also take into account that Obama GAVE BP MORE THAN ENOUGH TIME TO GET THEIR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER AND GODDAMN FIX *THEIR* OIL VOLCANO that killed 11 people, injured 17, and is decimating the Gulf Of Mexico. Therefore, the only logical thing to do, IS OPEN A CAN OF WHOMP-ASS!!!

Above all, MY message from here on out IS THIS: NO MORE FOSSIL/NON-RENEWABLE and ABOVE *ALL* POLLUTING FUELS, be it oil, natural gas, etc. And ON to SOLAR, WIND etc that IS NOT POLLUTING! When was the last time you heard of a WIND TURBINE LEAK? Or a SOLAR POWER CELL polluting?!

VIVE SOLAR & WIND POWER! Goodbye dinosaur fossil fuels! Welcome to the 21st Century!

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