Friday, December 24, 2010

RIP Neil Rogers!!!

Well, to quote the late great Edward Abbey's character George Hayduke in The Monkey Wrench Gang: "Well Hell's fuck, Doc!"
Well, at least I was ready for this one...HATS OFF TO ANOTHER DEAD HERO!
Ironic that he dies on xmas eve, being a self-professed "Jew Fag ATHEIST"!!!!!!!
RIP to the man who introduced me to COOL talk radio. Before Howard, before Randi, before anyone else, growing up in South FloriDUH, Neil was IT. From the first time I heard his show in, shit how the hell long ago was that! November of 1992...damn, been a while huh? Anyways, Neil was to South FL what Howard Stern is to New York!!! Got the picture now? Good!
Brutally honest, funny as fucking hell, never dull, one of a fucking kind.
As an atheist, he was never one to fear death. Or revel in it, as so many stupid sad masochistic moron people do. That is why I RAISE MY CHALLIS AND TOAST OUR FALLEN TRUTH-SEEKER!!! VIVE NEIL GOD!!!
Dare I say this? May DEATH be to him, as it is to so many rock musicians, HIS BEST CAREER MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LONG LIVE UNCLE NEIL!!!!!!!,0,1015311.story

HAIL NEIL ROGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And here's some solid gold from Neil:

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