Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Google+ setting the world on FIRE!

http://GPlus.To/DrLuCifer where I have 14 FRIENDS!!! Well, at least it's more than I have in "real life" 14...

And while I'm at it, let's all coalesce into a huge GUT LAUGH at Myspace!
Oh how the mighty have fallen!!!
^^I only keep this piece of shit cuz A) I put so much work into the stupid profile (mostly the list of bands, y'all GOT to LOVE that!), B) I can now torment all the jackass spammers who post stupid dumb crap there on my "wall" (wait, isn't that a Facebook thing?!) now that I figured how to cross post from Twitter to it! HA HA, SUFFER SPAMMER TURDS!!!!!!!

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