Thursday, February 14, 2008

Shame on Elaine "No My Husband Didn't Get Me This Job" Chao

"It is necessary for every American, with becoming energy to endeavor to stop the dissemination of principles evidently destructive of the cause for which they have bled. It must be the combined virtue of the rulers and of the people to do this, and to rescue and save their civil and religious rights from the outstretched arm of tyranny, which may appear under any mode or form of government." Mercy Warren (Founder)
1805 - History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution

If Clinton had pulled this shit during his 2nd term, the Repukes would have impeached him 10 times (the last 9 just for fun), jailed him, tortured him, killed him slowly, over a period of weeks, fed him to some liberal's dog, then jailed and tortured the dog, then slowly killed the dog, then force-fed the dog to Chelsea.

THEN they would have gotten mad!

They would have been screaming about how Clinton was setting himself above the law.

They would have been screaming about him not being accountable (or, in that case, THINKING that he wasn't accountable, because they don't have a bunch of spineless fascists sitting around; they have a bunch of fascists that will take action - as long is the leadership tells them to.


Who is Elaine?
Elaine Chao is the Secretary of Labor, George W. Bush's longest-serving cabinet member, and wife of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.

Under Elaine's questionable 'leadership,' the Department of Labor has turned into an agency that screws America's workers and enables corporate giveaways.

Your Tax Dollars At Labor

By Sam Boyd

February 13th, 2008 - 8:56pm ET

Keeping track of Bush Administration scandals is difficult, in part because there are so damn many of them. For example, there's now an entire website dedicated to the various failings of Secretary of Labor (and wife of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell) Elaine Chao. There's defiance of congressional oversight:

The acting assistant secretary for mine safety and health David G. Dye, along with the administrator of coal mine safety and health Ray McKinney, both walked out of a January 2006 hearing by a Senate subcommittee, claiming they were "too busy with their duties to stay."

Appointing department employees to conduct "independent oversight":

: Despite complaints from miners and Congress, Elaine tapped former MSHA employees to investigate their own agency's handling of the disaster as part of an "independent commission," raising further questions about the validity of the investigation.

No-bid contracts:

: Despite complaints from miners and Congress, Elaine tapped former MSHA employees to investigate their own agency's handling of the disaster as part of an "independent commission," raising further questions about the validity of the investigation.


During the 2006 midterm elections, Elaine and other administration officials traveled across the country awarding government funding, with great public fanfare, to districts where Mitch's embattled Senate colleagues — including Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) — were fighting to hold onto their seats.

And finally a totally over-the-top self-promotion at taxpayers expense:

Elaine used taxpayer funds to line the walls of the Labor Department with 58 pictures of herself, embroider her name on lanyards and fleece blankets distributed at conferences, and hand out Elaine-themed gold-colored coins at public events.

Man, I want a gold-colored coin with a bas relief of my face on it. See the site for much much much more.

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