Friday, August 22, 2008

Reason 948,320 why Rush Limbaugh should be sodomized by a donkey wearing a sand-paper condom

And, let's see what the Pig-Man (thanks Mike Malloy!) aka oxyRU$Hitler Lardass (no offense to "fat" people!) aka "TAKE THE BONE OUT OF YOUR NOSE AND CALL ME BACK", aka "KILL ALL THE DRUGGIES", had to say THIS fucking time! Take time out now to barf or whatever you need to do. Better?! Ok, let's continue!
HOW in the name of ETERNAL HELLFIRE can ANYONE still be listening to this pile of hypocritical-to-the-Nth-Power-
at-Warp 10, single-celled turd, the FACE of the RACIST TRULY VILE HATE-FILLED cross-burning, sake of puke, Grand Old Keep-Darky-Down Party, still on the goddamn PUBLIC AIRWAVES THREE HOURS A DAY, ON HUNDREDS OF STATIONS NATIONWIDE (meanwhile, progressive talk is confined to around 70 stations, most are 2 watt AM signals at 1900 on the dial!), and you know fucking goddamned well if Howard Stern, Bubba The Love Sponge, Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartmann, etc., who by the way NEVER would utter such garbage--which isn't even close enough to strong enough to describe the whale shit DEPTHS of this BULLSHIT--said ANYTHING even CLOSE to this, they'd be off the air so fucking fast, you'd get whiplash. FUCK YOU Clear Channel for keeping this NAZI prick troglodyte on the air. And DOULBE fuck you for NOT syndicating Randi Rhodes (she had to pretty much do it on her own!), fuck you for firing Bubba the Love Sponge, fuck you for at the same time of dumping Bubba you dumped Howard Stern from 6 stations JUST CUZ IT WAS AFTER JANET JACKSON SHOWED 1/10th A SECOND OF NIPPLE, AND YOU COULDN'T MAN-UP AND SAY "GO TO HELL" TO THE FUCKING FCC, YOU FASCIST SCUMBAG ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goddamnit, why can't dead people be brought back to life, cuz if EVER there was a time in the history of this planet that we NEEDED truth-to-power-speakers like Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, and on and on, NOW IS THE TIME!!!!!!

Dig this pure load of SHIT from Porky:

By: Logan Murphy @ 5:30 PM - PDT

Audio and more from Media Matters:

On the August 19 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh said that "it is striking how unqualified [Sen. Barack] Obama is and, and how this whole thing came about with, within the Democrat [sic] Party. I think it really goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy." Limbaugh went on to say: "I think this is a classic illustration here where affirmative action has reared its ugly head against them. It's the reverse of it. They've, they've ended up nominating and placing at the top of their ticket somebody who's not qualified, who has not earned it." Limbaugh added: "It's perfect affirmative action. And because of all this guilt and the historic nature of things, nobody had the guts to say, well, wait a minute, do we really want to do this?" Read on…

Yes, someone should have told this young, uppity negro to STFU and know his place in American society. You knew he was a baby killer, right?

Rush is a racist pig, we all know that. We knew long ago that the Republicans weren't going to go down without a fight and that this election cycle was going to yield some of the ugliest politics in modern history — this is what it looks like. The stench of desperation makes this even more pathetic, as Limbaugh and the party he so diligently carries water for, take their nose dive into the political dustbin.

THIS is all they got? No issues. Nothing but FEAR. FUCK FEAR!

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