Props to SXG for finding this, this is fucking PRICELESS!
And yes Gonzo, you and the rest of the BU$Hitler Crime Family ARE DUNCES. Real anti-American lyin' sacks of SHIT. Can you imagine if Bill Clinton or anyone in his administration did even 1/1 Millionth of the SHIT these dirtbags have done since stealing office with the help of Daddy BU$Hitler's butt-buddies on the Supreme KKKourt on Dec. 20, 2000! They'd be drawn & quartered, THAT'S WHAT! But no, somehow it's a-OK for these vermin to do whatever in the flying fuck they damn well please. What the FUCK is it going to TAKE America?! WAKE UP ALREADY! TAKE ACTION! Write your Congress people! Call progressive/liberal radio shows! Write a letter to the editor! Get out in the streets with a sign! DO SOMETHING!
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