Current mood: frustrated
Category: News and Politics
I hold out no hope that the Democratic Congress will cancel Bush's fucked up directives, even though they are blatantly unconstitutional. I hold out no hope that the Total Information Awareness project and RealID will not make us slaves. I hold out no hope that Bush won't attack Iran from the air. I hold out precious little hope that we will have elections in '08, and if so, no hope that they will be free and fair.
However, less than 30% of the colonists supported the Revolution, and even Ethan Allan attempted to surrender to England if they would forgive him and his state. It was a brave few (relative to the size of the population) that secured our freedom. And, I'm not ready to give up what our forefathers have fought so hard for. Are you?! Or are you part of the 80% of so who graduated high school in 2003 and claimed you would "never voluntarily read a book again" and are more interested in download the new matchbox twenty piece of fucking retarded shit song on your goddamn iPhone while driving your 3 ton gas-guzzling SUV?!
(That is a SAD and SORRY and PATHETIC but sadly TRUE stat isn't it?! 80% of high school grads in '03 said in a Yale study that they'd NEVER read a book again if they didn't absolutely have to. And to those people, all I have to say is:
Here's Your Fucking "Sign"!!!!!!!!!!!
And if ya don't get the reference, look into the comedy of Bill Engvall.)
PS Hey NSA, here's some cryptic quotes for you, ya scumbag twatwaffling assblasting fuckheads:
"All it takes is a handful of people in the right places.
23 people led the Russian Revolution."
- Anton LaVey as quoted in "The Secret Life of a Satanist" by Blanch Barton, p. 220
"Come on you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?!"
-Dan Daly during the Battle of Belleau Wood in WW1
"The answer to 1776!"
"I see you have made your decision, now let's see you enforce it!"
- Eric Draven in THE CROW.
PPS If you ARE actually a *GASP* reader, check out this book PLEASE:

The Edison Gene: ADHD and the Gift of the Hunter Child By Thom Hartmann |
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