Monday, July 30, 2007

Question to 25%ers

Just curious folks who are in the 25% that still (somehow!) beLIEve BU$Hitler and his Criminal Gang are just the greatest thing since sliced bread or whatever, just a quicky question (and assuming you are a Christian):
THOU SHALT NOT LIE...what freakin' part of this do ya NOT understand?! Just curious, I just mention this in passing...

Ok, I'll be fair, it's actually (from
"Do not bear false witness against your neighbor" (or words to that affect)
One must not bear false witness in a court of law or other proceeding.

So...I am correct in deducting that lying before Congress would fall in the "court of law or other proceeding" category, no?!

Also, wasn't there one regarding MURDER or something along those lines?

Gimme a Fair and Balanced HAIL SATAN!
The answer to 1984...IS 1776!
9/11 is a goddamn LIE!
Show me the plane hitting the Pentagon!
If impeachment is not the table, WHY was it taken off? Blackmail!?

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