Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ron Paul’s campaign manager died of pneumonia uninsured leaving family $400K debt


There's 37 "developed" countries on Earth, 36 have health care for all provided by this CRAZY thing call their GOVERNMENTS...guess which ONE remaining country DOES NOT DO THIS...yup, the USA. Land of the free? Home of the brave? How? How so if we cannot do something so fucking SIMPLE as making the enrollment age for Medicare age 0! From birth to death. DIE FOR PROFIT HEALTH CARE DIE!
Folks, America CAN and MUST do better! Medicare has approx. 4% overhead, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT PAYING THEIR ASSHOLE CEO $9 TRILLION A YEAR!!!! Why do you think FOR PROFIT health insurance is so expensive? DUH! But just keep fucking voting Republican and keep turning back the clock on this country until we're back to the freakin' Stone Age!!!!!!

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