Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My blog is the ramblings of a 10 year old!!!

That's according to a KKKon wackadoodle on this thread:


Now that's not true. I pride myself in have this blog be of the standards of the ramblings of a 13 YEAR OLD!

But of course, Mr. Retard Con will probably take that LITERALLY, since CONservatives have no concept of HUMOR and SARCASM! Well, unless it's completely psychotic and below the belt shit like mAnn Cuntler.

So I hope you all enjoy my ramblings from my 13 year old mind! Hey, at least I admit it! Plus, I'm a guy! Making it to 13 mentally is pretty goddamn good if you ask me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and that link takes you to comments on this LUDICROUS article about all the fucktards of South FloriDUH are buying guns like the brainwashed lemmings they are. Cuz you know that big bad scary negro with an African/Muslim name who's our President-Elect is gonna ban every last fucking firearm there is, right?! Gods, these fucking repukes are so beyond pathetic!!! While for the last 8 goddamn miserable years, DUHbya & Co. were anally raping the Constitution, did you see these "right wing patriots" rush out to buy guns?! Shit no! Not even after Boosh himself ORDERED the physical removal of firearms from law abiding citizens in New Orleans after Katrina (this is WELL documented, so don't even TRY to jabrone the blame to Ray Nagin, etc.) executed by BLACKWATER aka The American Version Of The Brown-Shirts!!! Oh but just because liberals want SANE laws to keep CRIMINALS and MANIACS from owning a gun, that means to these troglodyte wingtards that we want every last firearm from a .22 to a .50 Cal. banned, and while we're at it, let's do like the UK did and ban knives that are longer than an inch, and let's ban ANYTHING that could be fashioned into a weapon, and on and on and on these idiots go! At some point, wouldn't you think that if it WAS NOT for the NRA giving TONS of money to the GOPukes, that the rethugliKlans WOULD HAVE BANNED EVERY LAST GUN IN THIS COUNTRY BY NOW?!?!?!?!?!!? That's all there is to it.
Well, I'd write more, but I gotta go clean MY guns, since it IS after all a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT!!!

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