Sunday, July 13, 2008

Please KILL YOURSELF Phil Gramm

Ex-U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm, a key adviser to sack of SHIT John McCain (HOW does this asshole have ANYBODY who's willing to vote for him!?!?) said the U.S. economy is not struggling and we are a "nation of whiners" in a "mental recession." OF COURSE scumbag McKKKain disavowed his comments!!! RIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! And HOW many times did we all FLUSH in the 1990's to get Gramm to go down the drain, but well like that nasty rotten turd you just CANNOT get to go down, POOF! He's back! Yes Phil, the eCONomy is GREAT...for rich bastards like you who pay virtually NO taxes, never missed a fucking meal in your fat life...meanwhile, the rest of us have to flip a coin, heads or tails, do we get GAS for out 1986 beater this week, or is it gonna be FOOD?! You fucking PRICKASS NAZI WHORE. I hope your ivory tower BURNS to the ground and your rotten nasty festering never-worked-a-day-in-your-life ass gets a deluxe ticket on THE EXPRESS ELEVATOR TO HELL, GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And when you get there, be sure to tell JeSSe Helms and Tony Snow-job I said HAVE FUN ENJOYING SATAN'S PITCHFORK RAMMED UP YOUR ASSES FOR ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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