Friday, January 9, 2009

Express Elevator To Hell for Mary McCarty 2.0! THE DETAILS!

Goddamn, this fucking BITCH should have been shot down in fucking flames YEARS ago!!!
Didja'all enjoy the linkypoos a few posts below?! Wow! What a sack of blood shit and cum this ho is! AND SHE GOT RE-ELECTED LIKE 4 TIMES! SMOOTH MOVE, EXLAX! Goddamn, the people of Delray are FUCKTARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I warned and warned people about what a sneaky little CUNT she is, and fuck all y'all for not listening.
Dumbasses in Delray Beach, you shitheads, you HAD your chance to vote for Elaine Roberts in 1987 instead of this scumbag ripoff artist KKKatholic Retardlican, but no. So you get what you deserve! Delray has been in the SHITTER since this bitch got in power, and I for one couldn't be HAPPIER to NOT live in my hometown anymore! The last time I had the misfortune of being down there 2 years ago, I didn't even RECOGNIZE my own fucking hometown, thanks to shit-eating rat-fuckers like this Mary McCarty WHORE who can't grab her ankles fast enough for any piece of shit developer who whips out a suitcase of case to pave every last goddamn square inch of this state. (Just one more facet of how Global Warming has excellerated over the last 20 years...folks, sorry to sound like a hippie here, but you may wish to get off your duff and plant some trees! Among other things that may help save our asses!)
Oh and Mary, how's your shitty church St. Vincent's doing?! I for one hope Father Freaky McTool & Father O'Creepy-Altar-Boy-Fucker, err, I mean, Father John Skeehan & Father
Francis Guinan enjoy their time in prison picking up the soap...for being typical xian hypocrites; so much for THOU SHALT NOT STEAL, huh?!
Delray Beach priests trial this month

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