Monday, January 19, 2009

Last day to kick him around!

Did you see that BU$Hitler already bail out of the white house?! HAHAHAHAHA! What's the matter George?! Things getting too HOT for ya?! Could Mr. Fitzgerald have some papers on deck ready to file?! We can only hope...
Anybody have the stomach to watch BU$Hilter & Pickles on LARRY "THE LIZARD MAN" KING?! I sure as fuck didn't! (I take it Larry didn't ask Pickels about when she ran over AND KILLED her boyfriend when she was 17...AND DRUNK...) No, sorry, that would probably drive me to wrapping barbed wire around my fist and punching myself in the face just to at least TRY to get THAT mental image out! I just had to find a way to work in that barbed wire line, kinda like how I need to get use out of the "get fucked by a donkey wearing a sandpaper condom line". Hmm, lemme think, ok got it: Hey George, have fun in Paraguay and we all back here in the States wish nothing but the BEST for you, preferably to be fucked by a donkey wearing a sandpaper condom!!!!!!!
And the same goes to the NSA!!!!!!
Some guy up in Orlando pained WHERE'S MY BAIL OUT?! on the roof of his house, so of course the idiot homeowner scum or the city is screwing with him night and day. Again, one more time ya stupid cons: FREEDOM OF SPEECH! Now if this was BANK OF AMERICA and they put up WE NEED A BAIL OUT! no one would have said SHIT! This country's basic attitude is RETARDED!
And I remember articles from 1992 saying "THE ECONOMY IS IN A COMA" and shit like that, WELL THAT WAS NOTHING NEXT TO HOW ABSOLUTELY SHITTY IS IT NOW!
IF the freakin damn Dems can get their crap together, seat Al Franken in the Senate, then you have 60 DEMOCRATS...NO MORE FILIBUSTERS FROM Y'ALL STUPID REPIGGYLICANS! Then, PASS THE EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACT! Then, roll back the Reagan Tax Cuts on these FUCKING FREELOADERS who make more than a million a year, while at the same time let the tax rate on those who make UNDER 1 mil well that bitch fall through the freakin floor! THEN you will see the economy BOOM. This CRAP of cutting taxes on the rich, for the historical record, IS WHAT CAUSED THE GREAT DEPRESSION, OF WHICH WE ARE ALMOST THERE YET AGAIN! How many fucking TIMES is this country going to have to experience this TYRANNY until we finally say ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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