HOUR ONE GUEST: Constitutional and international lawyer Bruce Fein. Bruce also served as associate deputy attorney general under President Ronald Reagan and was a member of the ABA Task Force on presidential signing statements. Here is the statement given by Bruce Fein to the Senate Judiciary Committee relating to the Censure of GW Bush.
President Bush signed a bill that Congress passed under pressure this weekend giving the executive branch expanded powers to conduct warrantless wiretapping. Here is how the HOUSE voted.
Rep. Sheila Jackson (D-TX) blasted the new wiretap law from the floor of the House.
The go ahead for the warrantless eavesdropping is "one of the darkest hours in the history of the rule of law." A piece by frequent Randi Rhodes Show guest Brent Budowsky.
Meanwhile, Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to amend the law as soon as possible.
The FBI raided the home of a former Justice Department lawyer looking for info on who leaked details of the warrantless wiretapping program to the media. It seems Bush takes leaks very seriously, as long as they don’t come from Scooter Libby.
Tiptoeing around perjury: Alberto Gonzales sent a letter to Patrick Leahy trying to square his Senate testimony with reality.
The GOP Candidates squared off yesterday in yet another debate. Unlike the Democrats, the Republicans displayed a distinct half-glass full attitude on progress in Iraq.
Here is a quick round-up of the debate.
Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai says that the hunt for bin Laden has gone nowhere. "We are not closer, we are not further away ... we are where we were a few years ago.”
The Iraq war may end up costing taxpayers over $1 trillion dollars. Keep your receipt.
A recently released al-Qaeda video warns that US embassies are being targeted.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates says that US troops are in Iraq for the long haul.
An Update: The Pentagon has lost track of almost 200,000 weapons given to Iraqi security forces, putting lives at risk and wasting billions of dollars.
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